Úlfhéðnar being ruled by Blendingar, half Jǫtnar and half men, and the Skjǫldrinn Covenant of 748 involving formalization of existing treaties and agreement with Jǫtnar, the relationship between Úlfhéðnar and Óðinn ought to be strained. After all, Óðinn had not only tried to exterminate all Jǫtnar by deceit, but he had also kept his half brother, Áskunnr, the first Blendingr or hybrid, isolated (ironically leading to the creation of Úlfhéðnar). Úlfhéðnar being seen as Óðinn’s special warriors was therefore based on associating Blendingar with deities, rather than an actual partnership.
As a matter of fact, while Úlfhéðnar and Berserkir under their command do reach Valhöll indeed, they join Týr at his hall, Valaskjálf, rather than Óðinn’s hall, Glaðsheimr, in order to keep the peace, but also because Úlfhéðnar are expected to take the side of Jǫtnar during the next Ragnarøkr.