Modern day Úlfhéðnar are serving or have served for the most part in Special Operations Forces across the world, primarily in the Nordics as well as the United States. This includes but is not limited to Marinejegerkommandoen (MJK), Forsvarets Spesialkommando (FSK), Frømandskorpset, Jægerkorpset, U.S. Marine Force Recon/MARSOC and Särskilda operationsgruppen (SOG).
Úlfhéðnar within Skjǫldrinn are organized into Úlfhéðnar Hirðir that are active combat-ready and special-forces-level units, composed of 12 to 18 men, led by two Hirðarhöfðingjar (Unit Commanders), who are always Úlfhéðnar. The Hirðarhöfðingjar are responsible for the leadership, training and readiness of their Hirð, and ultimately, Hirðir under their command. They are also responsible for the resolution of disputes within their own unit, as well as for all actions and activities involving the members of their own Hirð.
Úlfhéðnar Hirðir fall under the direct command of another Úlfhéðnar Hirð with dominant status within the organization.
Hirðarhöfðingjar of the dominant Úlfhéðnar Hirð are also Hershöfðingjar (Force Commanders), acting as commanders of Norðsherstjórn (Northern Force Command, or NHS), and are therefore in command of multiple Úlfhéðnar Hirðir as well as Berserkir Hirðir.
They are also ultimately in command of Jómsvíkingar, Væringjar, as well as Skjǫldrinn.
Úlfhéðnar Hirðarforinjar are in charge of the þing (Assembly), as well as the Fimtardómr (Fifth Court) for court martial.