Æsir (Males in primary, generally more aggressive tribe)

Baldur (Beauty) • Bragi (Poetry, music, harp) • Forseti (Justice) • Heimdallr (Guardian of the Æsir) • Hermóðr (Messenger of the Æsir) • Höðr (Darkness, winter) • Hœnir² (Silence, Óðr) • Loki (Mischief, lies) • Meili (Son of Óðinn) • Móði (Anger) and Magni (Strength) • Óðinn²³ (Leading Ássinn) • Óðr²³ (Spirituality, poetry, passion, battle frenzy, and sexual ecstasy) • Þórr (Battle, thunder, men) • Týr (War, skies) • Ullr (Archery) • Váli (Revenge) • ³ (Creation/wisdom) • Villi³ (Creation/will) • Víðarr (Forest, revenge, silence)

Ásynjur (Females in primary tribe)

Eir¹ (Healing) • Frigg¹ (Marriage, motherhood) • Fulla¹ (Secrets) • Gefjun (Plough) • Hlín (Consolation, protection) • Iðunn (Youth) • Ilmr (unknown) • Nanna (Joy, peace) • Njǫrun (Earth) • Rán (Storms, waves) • Sága¹ (Magics) • Sif (Harvest, earth) • Sigyn (Wife of Loki) • Sjöfn (Love) • Snotra (Prudence) • Sól (Sun) • Syn (Defensive refusal)  • Þrúðr (Female strength) • Vár (Promises, contracts) • Vör (Caution)

Vanir (Males and females in secondary, generally more peaceful tribe)

Njörðr (Sea, wind, fish, wealth) • Freyr (Virility, prosperity) • Freyja¹ (Love, fertility) • Gullveig⁴ (Unknown) •  Heiðr⁴ (Unknown)

Jötnar (Giants)

Gerðr (Earth) • Jörð¹ (Earth) • Lofn¹ (Forbidden love) • Rindr (mother of Váli) • Skaði (Skiing, winter)

Aðrir (OtherS)

Andhrímnir (Chef of the Æsir) • Born (Creator of humanity) • Búri (First god) • Dagr (Daytime) • Dellingr (Dawn) • Dís (Protective spirit) • Ēostre (Spring) • Elli (Old age) • Gná (Frigg’s assistant) • Hel (Hel) • Hjúki and Bil (Followers of Máni) • Ítreksjóð (Son of Óðinn) • Kvasir (Knowledge, inspiration, diplomacy) • Lóður² (Creation/spirit) • Máni (Moon) • Mímir (Wisdom) • Nornir: Urður, Verðandi ok Skuld (Fate, destiny) • Nótt (Night) • Valkyrja (Chosers of the slains) • Vættir (Nature spirits)

Kindir (Creatures)

Fenrir (Monstrous wolf) • Freki (Óðinn’s wolf, the greedy one) • Geri (Óðinn’s wolf, the ravenous) Hildisvíni (Freyja’s boar) Hrímfaxi (Nótt’s horse) Hófvarpnir (Gná’s flying sea-threading horse) • Huginn (Óðinn’s raven representing thought) Jǫrmungandr (World serpent) • Muninn (Óðinn’s raven representing memory) Níðhöggr (Dragon at the roots of Yggdrasil) • Sæhrímnir (Boar eaten and reborn every day) • Skinfaxi (Dagr’s horse) • Sleipnir (Óðinn’s horse) • Tanngrisnir (Þórr’s goat, teeth-barer) • Tanngnjóstr (Þórr’s goat, teeth-grinder)

Kynja (Species)

Æsir (war gods) • Dökkálfar⁵ (Dark elves) • Jötnar (Giants) • Ljósálfar (Light elves) • Svartálfar⁵ (Black elves) • Dvergar⁵ (Dwarves) • Menn (Humans) • Troll (Negative version of Giants) • Vanir (peace gods)

Níu Heimar (Nine Homeworlds)

Ásgarðr (home of the Æsir) • Vanaheimr (home of the Vanir) • Ālfheimr/Ljósálfheimr (home of the Álfar or Elves) • Miðgarðr (earth, home of menn) • Jǫtunheimr (home of the Jötnar or Giants) • Niðavellir/Svartálfaheimr (home of the Svartálfar/Dvergar or Black Elves/Dwarves) • Múspellsheimr (realm of eldr or fire) • Niflheimr (realm of svell or ice) • Hel (home of the náir or corpses)


¹Eir, Freyja, Frigg, Lofn, Fulla, Jörð and Sága are different personas of same goddess. ²Óðinn, Hœnir, Lóður and Óðr are different personas of same god. ³Óðinn, Vé, Villi, and Óðr are different personas of same god. ⁴Gullveig becomes Heiðr upon her third rebirth. ⁵Dökkálfar, Svartálfar and Dvergar are the same creatures


An entire chapter of “Úlfheimr: The Tenth World” is dedicated to Frœtði (Norse Lore), with descriptions and high resolution illustrations of various Æsir, Ásynjur, Vanir, Jötnar, aðrir, kindir and kynja (known in popular culture as Norse “gods”).